South East Quarries & Landfill Group
Who are we?
Who Are We & What Do We Do?
The South East Quarries and Landfill Group comprises of members of the quarrying and landfill industries working in partnership to raise awareness of health & safety issues. The SEQLG was originally set up by the HSE who continue to offer support to the group.
Every year the SEQLG hosts a Safety & Health Awareness Day (SHAD) at one of its member's quarries within the South East of England.
This event is targeted at supervisors and operatives and a large part of the day will be spent in and around the working quarry at various different topic stations, with the emphasis throughout on good practical advice to ensure that people know what to look for and to enable them to realise their responsibilities.
Please address any enquiries in the first instance to Mary Carter at
The Committee
Mary Carter - ELC Vocational Assessment & Safety Solutions Ltd
Damian McClean - Brett Aggregates - Chairman
Simon Edwards - Breedon
Martin Lever - RT Safety Solutions Ltd
Reg Hodson - Grundon
Tyrone Partridge - Day Aggregates
Lewis Cox - Cemex
Stuart Spring - Brett Aggregates
Tom Lindley - Mick George
Jonathan Cockerline - Tarmac